Sunday, February 11, 2007

Still running HOTTTT....

So i have been running crazy hot since the beginning of February...I have only been playing 100nl on UB (building up UB points to convert and 30%RB=very nice side profit)...yesterday i played about 1600 hands and finished up about 2.5 buyins...I played some very early this morning (1am-230am) and managed to get in about 600 hands with a profit of a little over 1.5 buyins....I played 1000 hands when i woke up this morning and won exactly 3 buyins ($300.90)...

Here are my stats for 100nl since Feb 1st after 11k hands:
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Hand #1:
I honestly don't know what this guy was doing...i guess he thought i was bluffing or had KQ?? Either way i'll take it haha...

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