Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Running well...

I didn't play on Sunday because i was pretty hungover from the night before and didn't really feel like tilting away any money which was good...just watched the superbowl (LAME!) with some friends...today i came home after school and got about 1k hands in winning about 280$, took a break and got dinner and went to YoungLife...came home and played about 1k more hands and won 255$...i should have been up about 175$ more but i accidentally timed out of a hand with the 4th nuts (will post HH)...it was very shitty but oh well...i have set a goal to not play after midnight on nights when i have school in the morning because i feel like my quality of play drops tremendously after midnight...obv i will go late into the nights on weekends....i set up my DVDr the other day to start recording Poker After Dark everynight so im gonna start watching that if it worked last night...

Hand #1(Very GAYYYYY hand): http://www.pokerhand.org/?798038
I was just about to click bet (already had 70$ typed in) when my cards were mucked...i got this very shitty feeling and yelled pretty loud...im sure he woulda called the raise too because he wasnt very good and who can fold the nut straight? I didnt even see the 10sec thing pop up and i was trying to talk myself into raising bc i knew he didnt have JJ or TT...oh well...

Hand #2: http://www.pokerhand.org/?798043
Pretty sick hand...

Hand #3:http://www.pokerhand.org/?798044
I got berated after this hand haha...he was a big donk and i knew he had AK and if he had AA or QQ, oh well, im paying off a donk everytime here with top 2 in a RR pot....

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