Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Here is a link to my CR Blog:
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I'm Alive!
So I havent played much of late. I have had a shit ton of work to do. I still do actually, with this the last week before dead week and then exams. Exams are going to suck pretty bad but once theyre over things will be nice. I've signed up for my classes for next semester and I lucked out. I dont have class untill 1120 on MW and 1230 on T TH F. It should be pretty badass and my classes dont seem to be too hard. I played a bunch of random HU for awhile but it was too swingy for me. I would have +$1k days and then a -800 day. Pretty sick. But for now I am sticking to 100 and 200NL. I have been 4 tabling a lot of UB 200NL which is still very soft. Theres a few regs that I try to avoid (Rahzero, omniheart, piggy_banksta lately, miko77q) but other than that its not too bad. I tend to play later at night (12am-3am ET) and the play is horrible. Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things with sweat sessions with Malfaire and company. Pawel (verneer) and I talked yesterday and he said it wouldnt be a problem if I hopped in their sweat sessions which I will definitely take advantage of. I'm in class right now so I dont have the exact numbers for this month. Will update later when I get back to my room. I'm going to try and update this blog as well as my CR Blog, so check them both
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Biggest Day Ever....
-Guy is a pretty big station, thats why I c/r so small on the turn. Kind of a cooler for him in a RR pot. Biggest pot of the day.
-He couldn't make it any more obvious he had AA/KK. Guy was like 35/1.5/.5 after 75 hands...
-guy was muy mal, obviously...
-LOL. this guy sucked...
-Same guy as last hand...bastard...
Today: +1,354.05
Stakes: UB 200NL/100NL
Hands: 2,754
Hands: 13,230
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Running pretty shitty...
-I was hoping he had an overpair given the way he played it. Blah...
-This guy is nuts, playing 48/34 over 700+ hands...nice turn
-Same guy as last hand. Obviously I will get it in w/JJ against him all day long...
-This guy is nuts too. Will get it in every time here too...
-Nice try...
Since Sept. 19: -$742.15
Stakes: UB 200NL, FT 100NLHU
Hands: 3,242
Hands: 10,412
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Pokerhand isn't working so here is a few hands...
My biggest three losing hands from the night all came from the same fucking donk running 83/20 over 170 hands. Here they are, the last one is B-E-A-UTIFUL!
Hand #45622740-55286 at Ladson (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 18/Sep/07 02:03:26
j_blinder is at seat 0 with $200.
bongsrbest99 is at seat 1 with $89.40.
pimp2364 is at seat 2 with $869.10.
papabigbaler is at seat 3 with $200.
buffet7 is at seat 4 with $548.75.
The Sicko is at seat 5 with $198.
The button is at seat 4.
The Sicko posts the small blind of $1.
j_blinder posts the big blind of $2.
j_blinder: -- --
bongsrbest99: -- --
pimp2364: -- --
papabigbaler: Ad Ah
buffet7: -- --
The Sicko: -- --
bongsrbest99 folds. pimp2364 raises to $4.
papabigbaler re-raises to $15. buffet7 folds. The
Sicko folds. j_blinder calls. pimp2364 calls.
Flop (board: 3s Jc Kh):
j_blinder checks. pimp2364 checks. papabigbaler
bets $38. j_blinder calls. pimp2364 calls.
Turn (board: 3s Jc Kh Ac):
j_blinder checks. pimp2364 checks. papabigbaler
bets $126. j_blinder folds. pimp2364 calls.
River (board: 3s Jc Kh Ac 7c):
pimp2364 bets $2. papabigbaler goes all-in for $21.
pimp2364 calls.
papabigbaler shows Ad Ah.
papabigbaler has Ad Ah Jc Kh Ac: three aces.
pimp2364 shows Ts Qs.
pimp2364 has Ts Qs Jc Kh Ac: straight, ace high.
Hand #45622740-55286 Summary:
$3 is raked from a pot of $454.
pimp2364 wins $451 with straight, ace high.
Hand #45622740-55283 at Ladson (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 18/Sep/07 01:59:26
j_blinder is at seat 0 with $193.
bongsrbest99 is at seat 1 with $96.40.
pimp2364 is at seat 2 with $680.35.
papabigbaler is at seat 3 with $298.55.
buffet7 is at seat 4 with $471.75.
FISH_KILLERZ is at seat 5 with $366.65.
The button is at seat 1.
pimp2364 posts the small blind of $1.
papabigbaler posts the big blind of $2.
j_blinder: -- --
bongsrbest99: -- --
pimp2364: -- --
papabigbaler: Td Ts
buffet7: -- --
buffet7 folds. FISH_KILLERZ folds. j_blinder raises
to $7. bongsrbest99 folds. pimp2364 calls.
papabigbaler re-raises to $32. j_blinder folds.
pimp2364 calls.
Flop (board: 7c Jd Kd):
pimp2364 checks. papabigbaler bets $54. pimp2364
Turn (board: 7c Jd Kd Ad):
pimp2364 checks. papabigbaler checks.
River (board: 7c Jd Kd Ad As):
pimp2364 checks. papabigbaler bets $132. pimp2364
papabigbaler shows Td Ts.
papabigbaler has Td Ts Kd Ad As: two pair, aces and tens.
pimp2364 shows Kh Tc.
pimp2364 has Kh Jd Kd Ad As: two pair, aces and kings.
Hand #45622740-55283 Summary:
$3 is raked from a pot of $443.
pimp2364 wins $440 with two pair, aces and kings.
Hand #45622740-55365 at Ladson (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 18/Sep/07 03:03:32
j_blinder is at seat 0 with $246.70.
ddsgolf is at seat 1 with $78.80.
pimp2364 is at seat 2 with $1189.95.
papabigbaler is at seat 3 with $804.95.
walker2323 is at seat 4 with $404.
Johnny X is at seat 5 with $202.25.
The button is at seat 4.
Johnny X posts the small blind of $1.
j_blinder posts the big blind of $2.
j_blinder: -- --
ddsgolf: -- --
pimp2364: -- --
papabigbaler: Kc Ks
walker2323: -- --
Johnny X: -- --
ddsgolf calls. pimp2364 raises to $25. papabigbaler
re-raises to $80. walker2323 folds. Johnny X folds.
j_blinder folds. ddsgolf folds. pimp2364 calls.
Flop (board: Qs 8c 8s):
pimp2364 checks. papabigbaler bets $115. pimp2364
raises to $400. papabigbaler goes all-in for $724.95.
pimp2364 calls.
Turn (board: Qs 8c 8s 3d):
(no action in this round)
River (board: Qs 8c 8s 3d 3s):
(no action in this round)
papabigbaler shows Kc Ks.
papabigbaler has Kc Ks Qs 8c 8s: two pair, kings and eights.
pimp2364 shows 3h 8d.
pimp2364 has 3h 8d 8c 8s 3d: full house, eights full of threes.
Hand #45622740-55365 Summary:
$3 is raked from a pot of $1614.90.
pimp2364 wins $1611.90 with full house, eights full of threes.
And a few winners:
Hand #45622740-55331 at Ladson (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 18/Sep/07 02:37:02
j_blinder is at seat 0 with $204.20.
Flushed_Out25 is at seat 1 with $222.70.
pimp2364 is at seat 2 with $1371.75.
papabigbaler is at seat 3 with $292.50.
buffet7 is at seat 4 with $403.35.
The button is at seat 4.
j_blinder posts the small blind of $1.
Flushed_Out25 posts the big blind of $2.
j_blinder: -- --
Flushed_Out25: -- --
pimp2364: -- --
papabigbaler: 6s 6h
buffet7: -- --
pimp2364 raises to $4. papabigbaler calls. buffet7
re-raises to $19. j_blinder calls. Flushed_Out25
folds. pimp2364 calls. papabigbaler calls.
Flop (board: 7c 2h 6d):
j_blinder checks. pimp2364 checks. papabigbaler
bets $52. buffet7 calls. j_blinder folds.
pimp2364 folds.
Turn (board: 7c 2h 6d Ad):
papabigbaler checks. buffet7 bets $46. papabigbaler
raises to $101. buffet7 goes all-in for $332.35.
papabigbaler goes all-in for $221.50. buffet7 is
returned $110.85 (uncalled).
River (board: 7c 2h 6d Ad 5s):
(no action in this round)
buffet7 shows Jc Js.
buffet7 has Jc Js 7c 6d Ad: a pair of jacks.
papabigbaler shows 6s 6h.
papabigbaler has 6s 6h 7c 6d Ad: three sixes.
Hand #45622740-55331 Summary:
$2 is raked from a pot of $625.
papabigbaler wins $623 with three sixes.
Hand #45622852-38513 at Northampton (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 18/Sep/07 01:05:16
papabigbaler is at seat 0 with $332.40.
newattitude is at seat 1 with $288.75.
Elimidonk is at seat 2 with $188.85.
britboy33 is at seat 3 with $112.65.
acdcc11 is at seat 4 with $510.40.
Piggy_Banksta is at seat 5 with $479.50.
The button is at seat 3.
acdcc11 posts the small blind of $1.
Piggy_Banksta posts the big blind of $2.
papabigbaler: 2c 2h
newattitude: -- --
Elimidonk: -- --
britboy33: -- --
acdcc11: -- --
Piggy_Banksta: -- --
papabigbaler raises to $7. newattitude calls.
Elimidonk folds. britboy33 calls. acdcc11 calls.
Piggy_Banksta folds.
Flop (board: Kc 2s Jd):
acdcc11 checks. papabigbaler bets $22. newattitude
folds. britboy33 folds. acdcc11 calls.
Turn (board: Kc 2s Jd 4h):
acdcc11 checks. papabigbaler bets $59. acdcc11
River (board: Kc 2s Jd 4h Js):
acdcc11 checks. papabigbaler bets $148. acdcc11
papabigbaler shows 2c 2h.
papabigbaler has 2c 2h 2s Jd Js: full house, deuces full of jacks.
acdcc11 mucks cards.
(acdcc11 has Ac Kd.)
Hand #45622852-38513 Summary:
$3 is raked from a pot of $488.
papabigbaler wins $485 with full house, deuces full of jacks.
Hand #45622740-55355 at Ladson (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 18/Sep/07 02:55:35
j_blinder is at seat 0 with $225.40.
ddsgolf is at seat 1 with $48.
pimp2364 is at seat 2 with $1608.05.
papabigbaler is at seat 3 with $600.
walker2323 is at seat 4 with $200.
Johnny X is at seat 5 with $215.25.
The button is at seat 0.
ddsgolf posts the small blind of $1.
pimp2364 posts the big blind of $2.
j_blinder: -- --
ddsgolf: -- --
pimp2364: -- --
papabigbaler: Ts Jc
Johnny X: -- --
papabigbaler raises to $7. Johnny X folds.
j_blinder folds. ddsgolf folds. pimp2364 calls.
Flop (board: 8h 7h 9h):
pimp2364 bets $15. papabigbaler calls.
Turn (board: 8h 7h 9h 2s):
pimp2364 bets $45. papabigbaler calls.
River (board: 8h 7h 9h 2s Kc):
pimp2364 bets $135. papabigbaler calls.
pimp2364 shows 2h 9s.
pimp2364 has 2h 9s 9h 2s Kc: two pair, nines and deuces.
papabigbaler shows Ts Jc.
papabigbaler has Ts Jc 8h 7h 9h: straight, jack high.
Hand #45622740-55355 Summary:
$2 is raked from a pot of $405.
papabigbaler wins $403 with straight, jack high.
Today: +$151.60
Stakes: UB 200NL
Hands: 1,510
Hands: 6,924
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Good Weekend
-This guy hadn't raised a hand in 50+ hands so I just called with position expecting him not to fold anything. Calling the psb on the flop is kinda meh, but I know if I hit im gonna stack him so it was worth it. I hit, and I stacked him needless to say lol...
-This guys stats were 30/13/.8 over a decent sample. I decided to check the flop so I didn't get blown off my flush draw and its a flop that most people don't seem to fold on. The turn was golden and I knew unless he had A9 we were getting it in and I was good...
-biggest hand I lost all night haha...
Today: +$723.30
Stakes: UB 200NL
Hands: 972
Hands: 5,414
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Labor Day Weekend...another excuse to drink
So the next morning my phone rings and its Kyle (my bro who lost his phone), but I was too delerious to put 2 and 2 together. I was like nah im not answering. Finally, the 4th time he called I picked up. The following convo ensued:
Me: hello?
Lady voice: is this Kirk?
m: yea.
lv: where are you.
m:in bed.
lv: where at?
m: graham (my brothers dorm...don't know why I lied)
lv: what room?
m: 301.
lv: well im at the door let me in
m: (oh fuck) well im not there
lv: what do you mean youre not there? Where are you?
m: in a friends room...who is this?
lv: this is blah blah from the Wilmington Police Department
m: ill be right up!
Haha so I run up the stairs and meet this cop at my brothers door. She says, an old lady found your brothers phone in her mailbox this morning and called us. Why the fuck would they hand deliver that to me? that made me laugh...
Saturday we went to a friends apartment and played a lot of beer pong. Personal brag story, I made the last cup behind the back to end the game. Balla...needless to say I drank way too much and stopped remembering...
Sunday and monday I chilled at Atlantic Beach with my gf and her family.
Last week Mark (Malfaire ---> ) started a weekly sweat session. I went first last week and ran into a few intersting situations. The funniest hand of the night was when I got in w/AKcc on a Qc8cx board for 200bbs and won the pot against A6o. I've played twice since then and lost a buyin both times. Can't seem to get much going but its just a little bad run. Hope to get some more hands in tonight or tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Funny stuff...
You won a 6 buyin pot against me today and hit and run before the big blind even hit. Two things: 1. Don't bother replying to this message because I'm blocking you and I really don't give a [censored] what you have to say. 2. You're a classless piece of [censored] who knows no poker etiquette. Learn to respect the game and your opponents you lowlife scumbag. -Sly Caveat
Played about 1000 hands on UB today at 200nl. Lost 3 buyins but had some very tough hands. In all, FUCK QQ! thats all I have to say. But played some live 100NL last night and won 75$. Going again to another place around here tonight for some more 100NL.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I was really worried on that turn and I was really hoping he didn't CRAI. When he checked the river, I knew he had AA and I was good. I'm really surprised he called as I had him labeled as an ok player runing about 21/17 or so.
This guy was REALLY bad, obvious by his 230BB stack off with AJ. I was just milking him for everything I could...
Blah. I think I had to stack here given the pot odds. I was getting 3/1 on the flop push, which I'm obviously not folding for. I think he could easily show up with 88-JJ here just as often as QQ. What do you guys think?
Overall a pretty good day, winning 460$, which could have been a lot more if it weren't for some bad luck earlier in the session...
And a few pictures of the dorm and my setup. Brag: notice the brand new 17" MacBook Pro. Thing is badass...


Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Running Quite Well...
A few hands from today:
For some reason, I knew he had 55 here...
This hand is a little weird. I was going to c/rai on the turn, but I'm only getting called by better T's obviously, so I figured I'd look for a high card. Ofcourse the King hits, so I think I have to pay this river bet. What do you all think? Only thing I realistically lose to is AT, KT, and 44. Guess I was looking for a chop w/QT, JT, T9, or maybe even a win over a weirdly played ace?
TY sir...
This guy is like 70/40/4 over a large sample...
Didn't believe him...


Today: +$479.65
Stakes: UB 200NL
Hands: 1,330
Hands: 6,636
Year: +$7,239.14
Hands: 150,490